Sea bream

Sea bream is one of the most well-known and beloved fish of the Mediterranean which has completely won over the preference of the consumer public thanks to its rich nutritional value, its high quality and its exquisite and full flavor.

Morphology: The sea bream is a fish with a length of 30-35 (up to 70 ) centimeters and a weight of 0.35-1.5 kg in some cases it can reach up to 17 kg. It has a lovely silver color with one characteristic black spot at the end of the gill cover, while the golden bow that joins its eyes is also characteristic.

Where it lives: It is found mainly in seas with a deep and sandy bottom, while in the spring we will find it in flocks in estuaries and lagoons. The sea bream feeds mainly on molluscs and in some cases on plants.

How it reproduces: Sea breams have the peculiarity that they are first born as males and around the third year of their life they change sex and become females. The breeding season is from October to December in lagoons or freshwater reservoirs.

Nutritional value: It is a fish with a fat content and for this reason it can be considered a valuable source of "good" ω-3 fats, specifically a source of the valuable fatty acids EPA and DHA. It is also a source of fat-soluble vitamins E and D as well as selenium
A 150g serving of sea bream will only give you 115 calories, but around 21g of protein of high biological value and only 2.68g of fats. It will also cover over 30% of the recommended daily intake (RDA) for:

Selenium (43.8µg – 63% DV)
Vitamin B12 (1.68µg – 42% RDI)
Niacin (B3) (4.92mg – 33% DV)
Phosphorus (222mg – 32%)
Vitamin B6 (36mg – 22%)

How to consume it: Sea bream combines perfectly with potato, vegetables and herbs and is the ideal solution for a light meal and especially for dinner. You can enjoy it grilled, roasted, pan-fried or steamed.


Sea bass

The ses bass is one of the most favorite fish for lovers of proper nutrition due to its low calorie content and its wonderful culinary properties.

Morphology: Its body is elongated and usually has a length of 40-65 centimeters (maximum about 1 meter). Its weight can range from approximately 300-1,500 gr and reach up to 16 kg. It has a silver color, while it is slightly darker on the back and lighter on the belly.

Where it lives: One of the characteristics of the sea bass is that it lives in both warm and cold waters and can reach up to a depth of 100 meters.

Nutritional value: The sea bass has a special nutritional value and is very rich in energy, belong to fatty fish with moderate fat content (5-15%).

How it is consumed: You can taste the sea bass either grilled on coals, or in baking paper and ideally accompanied by greens, aromatic herbs, citrus fruits or, you turn it into fish sticks or however you wish.


Mussels belong to the bivalve molluscs and are the "fruits of the sea". They are either "wild mussels" or cultivated. In some places "wild" mussels are still harvested, but farmed mussels are more popular as they are larger, meatier, and their production and safety are checked daily.

Morphology: They are shellfish with a mainly black color. They are 3-8 cm long consisting of two symmetrical shells joined at the back by a strong joint. Their morphology is such that it allows them to be attached to solid objects or rocks.

Where it lives: They are found in shallow waters, attached to solid bodies, mainly rocks and pebbles. They feed on phytoplankton and organic matter by constantly filtering seawater and, therefore, always breed in plankton-rich areas.

Mussel culture: In Kavala, they are cultivated mainly with the long-line system. Mussels are harvested from mussel farming all year round, with special equipment and boats.

Nutritional value: Mussels are food with protein content, few calories, low fat, few carbohydrates, minerals and trace elements, and a lot of vitamins and that is why they win the preferences of the consumer public.

How it is consumed: Mussels are an excellent appetizer, and you can enjoy them steamed with rice, in saganaki or fried.