The program
This specific campaign is part of the approved Act entitled "Promotion and improvement of the market for fishery and aquaculture products of the Prefecture of Kavala, in Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Bulgaria" (MIS 5069307) and has been included in the Union Priority 5 " Strengthening of marketing and processing" of the Operational Program "FISHERIES AND SEA 2014-2020" and, specifically, in Measure 3.4.3. The Act is co-financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. The Commercial Chamber of Kavala is the beneficiary of the Act.
The Act concerns the implementation of an integrated plan of actions necessary to improve the organization of the market for fishery and aquaculture products and their extroversion / export orientation. This improvement will be achieved through various marketing measures for the products in question.
The purpose of the project is to increase the awareness and added value of fishery products and aquaculture of the Prefecture of Kavala in the 5 target markets of the Act (Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Bulgaria), in order to strengthen the reputation and development of exports of the products of the Prefecture of Kavala (sea bream, sea bass and mussels) in the countries- targets, being Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Bulgaria.
The Act concerns the implementation of an integrated plan of actions necessary to improve the organization of the market for fishery and aquaculture products and their extroversion / export orientation. This improvement will be achieved through various marketing measures for the products in question.
The purpose of the project is to increase the awareness and added value of fishery products and aquaculture of the Prefecture of Kavala in the 5 target markets of the Act (Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Bulgaria), in order to strengthen the reputation and development of exports of the products of the Prefecture of Kavala (sea bream, sea bass and mussels) in the countries- targets, being Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Bulgaria.